About HKS [Hyo-Kyu-Soo]

Name : Cho Kyu Hyun

♥ Stage Name : Kyu Hyun (Super Junior)

Position : Lead Vocal, Magnae (Super Junior)

♥ Chinese Name : Zhao Kui Xian

♥ English Name : Marcus Cho

♥ Hangul : 조규현

♥ Piyin : 趙奎賢

♥ Kanji : チョ・ギュヒョン

♥ Birth : 3 February 1988

♥ Height : 183 cm

♥ Weight : 68 kg

♥ Blood Type : A

♥ CV : ♥ Shinchung Junior High School ♥ Yumkwang High School ♥ University of Kyunghee

♥ Audition : Chin Chin Singing Competition, 3rd place

♥ First Perform : “New Single Jacket Photoshoot” – news on television

♥ First Debut : 08/2005

♥ Group and Sub Group : Super Junior, Super Junior K.R.Y., Super Junior M

♥ Cyworld : sneezes

♥ Nickname : a lot of ♥ like gamekyu, kimkyu, And many else :p

♥ Official Twitter : @GaemGyu

♥ Fandom : Sparkyu


♥ Name : Yoon Yeon Hyo 

♥ Chinese Name : Yu Yin Ning 

♥ English Name : Erica Greta / Erica Yoon 

♥ Japan Name : Yuki Izumi

♥ Birth : 14 January 1992 

♥ Height : 170 cm

♥ Weight : 61 kg

♥ Blood Type : B

♥ Favorite Colour : Pink, White

♥ Official Facebook : Yoon Yeon Hyo

♥ Official Fan Page : LOVELyeon for Yeon Hyo ‘dUBest’ 

♥ Fandom : LOVELyeon

Yeon Hyo’s Facts :

1. Yeon Hyo was a girl who loved the color pink.

2. Yeon Hyo can not cook, even if only a mild dish.

3. Yeon Hyo hate frogs, rain and vegetables.

4. Yeon Hyo love wearing white flat shoes.

5. Yeon Hyo love cats, rabbits and hamsters.

6. Yeon Hyo have a bad habit, she likes to wake up late.

7. Yeon Hyo not like counting, let alone statistical learning.

8. Yeon Hyo like reading a romance novel and meaningful.

9. Yeon Hyo love to write, and she poured a fanciful imagination in writing.

10. Yeon Hyo hate high heels, she can not wear the type of shoes that are too long.

11. Yeon Hyo really like chocolate, ice cream and sugary foods.

12. Yeon Hyo not really like spicy food, but she loves to eat ramyeon.

13. Yeon Hyo loves designing her room with the color pink, she never change her bed sheets with a color other than pink.


♥ Name : Kim Myung Soo

♥ Stage Name : L (Infinite)

♥ Position : Visual of Group, Vocalist (Infinite)

♥ Birth : 13 March 1992

♥ Hangul : 김명수

♥ Height : 180 cm

♥ Blood Type : O

♥ Favorite Colour : Black

♥ Official Twitter : @INFINITELKIM

♥ Fandom : eLements

Myung Soo’s Facts :

1. Myung Soo is multi-talented. He is a wonderful guitarist and has a passion for photography and fashion, has tried his hand at acting and modeling, and wants to try hair styling next — he is rumored to have major skills.

2. His favorite meal is kimchi stew and he is really good at cooking ramen but dislikes raw food.

3.  Myung Soo is the Infinite member that eats the most and can hold his alcohol the best

4. He’s a wild sleeper. He sleep talks and even has a bad habit of hitting people while sleeping.

5. Myung Soo feels his best body parts are his eyes and nose but he also thinks that his butt comes as a close second.

6. Myung Soo is an avid manga/anime fan. His favorite manga series is Naruto.When fans give him comic books as presents, he sometimes finishes a whole series in one day. It is even rumored that he was named “L” because his moves and voice resemble L from Death Note.

7. Myung Soo is just like pineaple. Hard and rough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

8. He thinks girls are the prettiest when smiling.

HKS [Hyo-Kyu-Soo]

Yeon Hyo – Kyu Hyun – Myung Soo 

51 pemikiran pada “About HKS [Hyo-Kyu-Soo]

  1. yaaaak Hyo-Kyu-Soo…..!!!!! nice *cium KyuHyun* Yeon Hyo-ssi, saya juga suka INFINITE plaaaaak tapi saya suka magnae Sungjong..aaahahah *dance BTD*

  2. Hehehehe! Becanda oen,peace ya! Aku juga suka myungsoo kok’ tapi lebih banyak suka sama kyuhyun, soalnya dia unik, sama tatapannya selalu buat aku klepek klepek~~~

  3. Komen q susah bgt msuknya, nunggu satu hari bru nyampe,, huufff~~
    Yaap lia aka riz amelia aka shin ha kyo aka shin mirelle, & mungkin masih bnyak lagi.
    Berarti dunia ini sempit ya,,, soalnya kalian b2 author favorit q loh hehehehe.
    Plus makasih oeni dah mau balesin komen q yg gak penting ini  ~~deep bow~~

  4. Q pengen beli novelnya,, tapi q gk yakin oeni mau ngirim, secara q kan lgi gk d indo skarang.. Nunggu satu taun lagi baru bisa pulang~~,{kontrak kerja yg menyebalkan}
    Ya udah,,, sekali lagi ku ucapin makasih banyak,
    Krna dah mau bales komen q,
    ( kesepian gkpunyatemenyangsamasamaorangindo huaaaaaaaa

  5. Midlle east,,, kerja di hilton hall Jedah.,,
    Tempat orang orang tajir yg suka buang buang uang,~~ hahahaha( ketauan deh saya TKI)
    Yg penting saya bukan tkw yg krjanya nyuci hammam.. Hahaha
    Nanti klu q pulang mu pesen novelnya ya oen~~~
    Harus nyisain buat saya.

    Jangan ilfil ya oen,, karna dah tau siapa saya. Hatur nuhun

  6. Jadi malu,
    Perasaan dari atas mpe bawah kebanyakn komn q yg nangkring,,ya udah ah,
    Tar saya d tmpuk m reader laen, karna k bnyakan curcol, 
    (nanti bpaknya paris hilton marah, bknnya kerja malah WIFI an)
    Nanti q izin komen lagi yah d epepnya oeni,next ff.
    احبك و سكرا cium oeni,, wkwkwk
    See you,,~~~~

  7. Eh, satu lagi saya mo nobatin diri jadi HKS,( hyo-kyu-shipper) blm bisa nerima myungmyung,, wkwkwk~~~~ di hajarbyeeeeeeee!

  8. Hai hai saya readers baru, binggung mau baca Ffnya eon mulai dari yg mana, bejibun bener keke~ maybe punya rekomendasi ? 🙂

    • haiii 😀
      selamat terdampar di Hyo-Kyu STORY *LOL
      Hm, yg mana yak? *plak
      coba baca “Please Stop Teasing Me, Cho Kyuhyun!” terus sekuelnya “Perfection”.
      Cuma 2 jam kok buat baca 2 FF itu 😀 hehheheh
      sebagai perkenalan doang 😛
      cari LINK-nya di LIBRARY yaaa

  9. Hello, cyn.. ^^ Numpang SKSD bentar yak!
    Kenapa kamu pasang foto L yang itu?? Ya Tuhan, Kim Myungsoo kamu seksi banget !! ><
    Oh ya, Lisa imnida. 01 line. Istri sahnya Kim Jong-In alias Kai. Kkk~ 😀 Bangapta

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